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Beauty, Hair

Spring Hairstyle Tips Straight from the Salon Chair


After a warm winter and a chilly start to spring, now’s finally the time to let your hair down and try something new. But test-driving some of the top hair trends for the season can easily end in disaster, so I turned to celeb stylists Gabriel Samra and Kim Kimble (prior to the Lemonade premiere this weekend where she worked her magic throughout) for their top tips to ensure your hair looks and feels healthy—no matter what hairstyle you select.

Keep Hair Hydrated — This applies regardless of the time of year. While April showers bring on plenty of frizz, it’s likely because your strands are thirsty, causing them to try and absorb the added moisture in the air. Kimble notes that repairing the damage after a season of heat styling is key to keeping frizz at bay. To keep hair soft and moisturized during warmer months, use Pantene’s Daily Moisture Renewal Shampoo and Conditioner, which also keeps hair healthy because it prevents damage before it begins,” she recommended. “The new conditioner formula contains new technology that helps repair and prevent damage at the root for longer, stronger, healthier hair.”

Work with Your Natural Texture — Effortless hair has been a trend for a few seasons, so you can save your pennies from your regularly scheduled blowout and still look stylish. “Over the past two years, we saw extremes. We saw very sleek and then very messy, and now this is a fusion of the two,” Samra explained. He advised using 1 to 2 day-old hair, as “it has some of its natural oils to help with providing the desired textured look,” and can hold a curl or bend in the hair better if you’re looking to enhance your natural texture with heat.

Don’t Fret Over Frizz — I know it sounds counterintuitive, but most stylists nowadays are letting the frizz fly for more natural, effortless appeal. Both stylists recommended using a light hairspray like Pantene’s Smooth Anti-Humidity Airspray to set the style without feeling stiff or sticky. Kimble added, “Use this product to refresh your style throughout the day without worrying about product buildup or residue for a soft, touchable look.”