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male grooming

Beauty, Personal Musings

The Beauty Lessons We Should Teach Our Dads

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When most of us talk about beauty, the focus is usually on the feminine. The thing is beauty is for everyone, as we’ve seen the community become much more inclusive in recent years. But whether it’s because of gender stereotypes or just a general lack of awareness, we think many of our dads might’ve missed the memo. Sure, they have a few shave products and maybe cologne lining their medicine cabinets, but there might not be much else stocked inside. Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed the talents of amazing male makeup artists and hairstylists and learned so much from them, including how important pampering your outside helps to take care of your inside as well. So to celebrate his big day, I’ve rounded up a few pearls of beauty wisdom to pass along to our dads to help them to look and feel amazing like they deserve. Happy Father’s Day, and if you can, give your dad a big hug for me!

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