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Entertainment, Movies

Lando Calrissian Steals The Show in Star Wars “Solo” Trailer

While I  don’t regret having skipped the Super Bowl this year (Go Giants!), I do bemoan the fact that I didn’t take to Twitter as soon as the teaser for the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser trailer because, boy, were people excited and it only increased as the full trailer dropped this morning! But it wasn’t over the seeing the Millennium Falcon take off with the young Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) at the helm, it was the first peek of Donald Glover (who had put production on the second season of his show, Atlanta, on hold for) as the suave smuggler Lando Calrissian. 

And it wasn’t hard to see why, as the teaser featured the Glover draped in a fur coat (thankfully not Wookie fur or that would’ve been awkward), confidently smiling and posing for a slew of camera flashes, a similar attitude that many fans were hoping to see from the movie’s title character in the clip.  And even as the full trailer was unleashed and we got to see Calrissian look terrified alongside Solo and Chewie as they navigate through a tangle of tentacles. But those tiny snippets were enough to send fans into a frenzy, taking to Twitter to not only share excitement but plenty of memes as well.

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