Beauty, Makeup

Massy Arias Makes Serious Moves With CoverGirl’s New Mascara

Photo: CoverGirl via YouTube.

You might’ve spotted her as you scroll through Instagram or even signed up for her MA30Day Programs to build up your strength. But Massy Arias, better known as Mankofit, is moving beyond our social stream to take over our TV and newsstands as the face of CoverGirl’s latest launch, Flourish by Lash Blast Mascara, as part of its #IAmWhatIMakeUp campaign.

The personal trainer and model first found fitness as a way to work through her depression and found it to be a drug she couldn’t get enough of and spurred her to help others. According to Trimmed and Toned, Arias began making a splash on social media after setting up boot camps and workout classes in parks around New York City where they became popular through word of mouth and her Instagram. Her motivational posts, featuring tips on proper nutrition and technique as well as a variety of different workouts (like resistance training, calisthenics, yoga, high intensity interval training, and sprinting) for fans to try, built a following of millions and foster a community built on hard work and dedication to fitness goals, no matter what they were. And she has the opportunity to reach beyond the fitness community in her first video ad which was unveiled on Tuesday and that you can check out below.

Arias saw her partnership with CoverGirl as a way to not only continue to shake up beauty standards but also show how they can change their lives by taking care of themselves whether it’s with a workout or a swipe of mascara in the morning. “The standard of beauty is continuing to change; it starts with finding beauty in what sets you apart and owning it,” she captioned a sneak peek of the clip on Instagram. “Every milestone I hit makes me more humble than I was before.”

And every milestone hit should come with some reward! In fact, that need for self-care was what initially sparked the idea for the fresh formula in the first place. The mascara uses a blend of papaya, avocado, and coconut oils to nourish and condition while defining each lash and pumping up their volume for lashes that look lush and feel strong with no clumps or flakes to be found. Since the new mascara shouldn’t flake or smudge, I bet it would hold up well during an intense sweat session whether you’re working out with Arias’s program or doing your own thing. As long as you’re taking time for yourself, that’s all that should matter.

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